Archives August 2022

Пародонтално заболяване при животни

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Пародонталното заболяване е едно от най-типичните медицински състояния, наблюдавани и при по-възрастни домашни любимци. Всъщност се смята, че над 80% от животните над 3 -годишна възраст имат някакъв вид пародонтално заболяване. Клиничните индикации могат да включват подобрена миризма на устата, спускане и проблем с яденето на трудна храна. При физически преглед откритията могат да включват червено, както и възпалени, венци, засилен зъбен зъбен зъб, както и болни и/или разхлабени зъби.

Ако не се лекува, пародонталното заболяване може да доведе до перорална инфекция, както и загуба на зъби, в допълнение към инфекция и/или дисфункция на други органи в организма, включително инфекции на черния дроб, сърцето, както и бъбреците. Лечението на много ситуации на пародонтални заболявания включва ултразвуково мащабиране на зъбите, както и почистване, извършено при обща анестезия от ветеринарния лекар. В умерени до сериозни ситуации може да се наложи зъбна екстракция, както и антибиотична терапия. От съществено значение за настойниците на животни са да се съобразят с проактивната програма за хигиена на домашната хигиена, включително редовното миене на зъбите при покупка, за да се помогнат да се избегнат проблясъци на това състояние в бъдеще. Продукти като C.E.T. Ензимната паста за зъби, както и пероралният гел PetzLife могат да помогнат в това отношение.


[Illustrated Guide] Какво да правите, ако вашето куче има кърлежи

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Това е пост за гости от Моника Гомес от Carrington College.

Кърлежите са малки, често срещани и изключително издръжливи паразити и всяко куче, което прекарва време навън, рискува да бъде ухапан от кърлежи. За щастие, както показва това ръководство от Carrington College, има начини да се предотврати кърлежите да накарат кучето ви да се разболее сериозно.

Как да премахнете кърлежите

Проверявайте кучето си всеки път, когато той/тя влиза от открито. Пуснете ръцете си върху цялото тяло на кучето си и потърсете малки, повдигнати неравности, които могат да показват заразяване с кърлежи. Ако намерите кърлеж, внимателно го извадете, като използвате чифт чисти пинсети, за да изтеглите леко кърлежите от мястото му. Като алтернатива можете да използвате комерсиално средство за отстраняване на кърлежи.

В идеалния случай ще искате да издърпате целия кърлеж от тялото на кучето. Не се притеснявайте обаче, ако част от кърлежите се откъсне и остава вътре. Позволете няколко дни природата да поеме по своя път; Тялото на кучето обикновено ще изхвърля частта на тялото на кърлежи. Опитът да го премахнете всъщност може да увеличи риска от инфекция.

След като кърлежът е отстранен, поставете го в малък буркан с изопропилов алкохол. Дата на буркана, за да знаете кога е изтеглено кърлежът, тъй като това може да помогне на вашия ветеринарен лекар да идентифицира болести, пренасяни от кърлежи, ако кучето ви се разболее на по-късна дата. Дезинфекцирайте областта, за да се предотврати инфекцията.

Отблизо следете поведението на вашето куче

Болестите, пренасяни от кърлежи, включват лаймска болест, анаплазмоза и скална планинска петна треска, а някои кърлежи могат да носят повече от една болест едновременно. Въпреки че не всички кърлежи носят заболявания, някои го правят и това може да отнеме до 21 дни, за да се появят симптоми. Следете внимателно кучето си през това време и веднага заведете домашния си любимец на ветеринаря, ако той/тя показва признаци на парализа на кърлежи, като неподвижност, нежелание за преместване и умора. Трябва също да заведете кучето си при ветеринара Ако зоната, от която е издърпана кърлеж, има обрив и/или показва признаци на инфекция.

Вземете проактивен подход срещу кърлежи

Кърлежите са мънички паразити, които могат да причинят големи здравословни проблеми – за животни и хора. Собственикът на мъдрите кучета ще държи растителността близо до дома, ще избягва дълги разходки в гористи райони и ще използва яка от кърлежи и/или актуални процедури, за да поддържа тези малки вредители. Предотвратяването на кърлежи винаги е по -просто и по -безопасно, отколкото да се налага да ги премахвате или да се справите със сериозните заболявания, които могат да предадат.

Бълха и Ticklyme Diseasepet Healthpet Лекарства

Bert, както и Ernie в Petmeds

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Като официален котешки репортер на разговора за разговори за домашни любимци в този блог, за мен е от съществено значение да обхвана основните новини за Breaking Pet News. Тази седмица горещите новини са за Берт, както и за Ърни!

Това са моите монголски гербили, Берт, както и Ърни, когато бяха просто бебета. Вярвам, че на тази снимка бяха на около 8 седмици. Берт, както и Ърни са на две години, както и половин години. Те използваха онлайн в огромен стъклен аквариум в моя дом.

Признавам, че не съм платил голям интерес на Берт или на Ърни, но Харли ги харесваше много. Винаги се опитваше да ги накара да играят игри с него.

За съжаление, стъклото държеше Харли, както и гербилите постоянно разделени.

И все пак Харли никога не се отказваше. Един път Ерни дори се опита да се разпадне, използвайки автомобила си с 4 колела. Този план не работеше за сметка на колата му е направен от картон.

Но предположението какво се случи? В крайна сметка гербилите избиха! Сега те онлайн в офиса на Mommeh в Petmeds!

Въпреки че Харли, както и аз не виждам Берт, както и Ерни от всякакъв вид повече, те имат страхотни оферти, както и страхотни сделки посетители всеки ден.

Имате ли някакъв вид екзотични домашни любимци?

Пригответе се за деня на априлските глупаци!

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Хех хех! предположение какъв специален ден идва скоро? Ден на шегата! Това е един от много предпочитаните ми дни в годината, за сметка на мен да играя функционални шеги. В ситуация все още се опитвате да повярвате в забавна шега да играете на някого, ще ви разкажа за отлична техника, която играх на Харли. Получих концепцията от четене на комикс! Първо, запазих надбавката си, както и получих тази елегантна възглавница на Whoopee …

На следващо място, трябва да ударите възглавницата на Whoopee. Можете да изисквате да попитате вашата мама или татко за асистиране на тази част.

Уверете се, че възглавницата е подходящо надута. Да, това се чувства почти правилно. Сега просто трябва да чакам на нищо неподозираща котешка, за да намеря заедно. Ще използвам някаква котешка като стръв!

Хахахахаха! Харли падна за това!

О, Харли! Той дори не разпознава възглавницата на Whoopee, издаде шума! Това беше доста смешно.

Какви техники сте организирали за деня на априлските глупаци?

Дейзи къдравата котка

Superior cat Deterrent Sprays reviews 2022


As much we love our kitties, occasionally they do things we are not fond of, such as scratching the furniture chewing over the carpet. cat deterrent sprays are able to allow you to show your cat to not participate in such actions.

Another reason why you may require a cat repellent spray would be must you’ve got stray cats pertaining to your lawn to utilize your bud for a litter box or cause mischief.

We’ve got consider a lot more than a dozen cat hindrance and cat repellent sprays as a result we can show you a few of the ideal. We looked at security, efficacy, and the way Amazon clients rated them.

Best cat Deterrent Spray Review

SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray

Gentle Botanical ingredients help stop your cat from scratching the furniture.


Our best pick Belongs to SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray. This can be a safe and natural spray created of plant-based components, and it’ll stop your kitty away from scratching the furniture. It’s a great odor to people, but cats normally do not take pleasure in it and will stop the region.

Top-Rated cat Deterrent Sprays

Decision greatest cat Deterrent Spray Overall: SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray

O greatest outdoor cat Repellent: safer brand 5935 Critter Ridder

O greatest budget cat Deterrent Spray: Pet MasterMind cat Spray

O greatest natural cat behavior Taste: NaturVet — Pet Organics No a lot more mark Spray For Mothers

O greatest cat Deterrent motion Detector Spray: PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent

· who need to cat Repellent or cat Deterrent Spray

· crucial qualities to Consider

· често задавани въпроси

· additional cat Deterrent Sprays We Stopped

Decision cat Deterrent Sprays for Inside

Decision cat Repellent Sprays for Outdoors

Decision products You may Be Interested In:

The 5 best Top-Rated cat Deterrent Sprays

Editor’s Picks



Finest cat Deterrent Spray Overall

SEGMINISMART cat behavior Deterrent Spray


Greatest outdoor cat Repellent Spray

Quicker new 5935 Critter Ridder


Finest budget cat Deterrent Spray

Pet MasterMind cat Spray


Greatest natural cat Deterrent Spray

NaturVet — Pet Organics No mark Spray For Cats


Greatest motion Detector cat Deterrent Spray

PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent


*Tests are from Amazon and can change over time.

Best cat Deterrent Spray Overall: SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray

The very best cat Deterrent spray which we discovered is SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray. This can be a safe spray that’s created of non-toxic ingredients which cats do not enjoy.

A few of the components are rosemary and lemongrass, that have natural aromas that lots of people like. It’s safe to use a lot of furniture, drapes, houseplants, and also other areas where your cat may scrape, but you ought to take a look at a small area to be certain.

For greatest Results, you are going to want to begin with the spray four times each day. apply to the space which you need your cat to prevent; re-application is essential considering that the smell will fade through the years.

Since the days gone by, your kitty will start to avoid those regions from routine and you’re able to minimize the amount of times you spray on. You are able to gradually spray and less, and stop using the spray thoroughly.

SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray crucial Characteristics:

3 oz
Smells such as rosemary and lemongrass
Organic, safe components
is safe to use on lots of fabrics
Safe for kids in addition to pets

Greatest outdoor cat Repellent: safer brand 5935 Critter Ridder

Greatest outdoor cat Repellent

Safer brand 5935 Critter Ridder

This Ready-to-use squirt keeps cats off for a few months.


If You’re On the lookout for an outside cat repellentwe advocate safer brand 5935 Critter Ridder. This isn’t a spray exclusive into repelling cats; additionally, it will promote skunks, raccoons, and other creatures to steer clear of your garbage cans, flower garden, mulch, and much more.

The components, including black pepper along with capsaicin, aren’t agreeable to dogs that are small, however they won’t damage them.

Spray this Where you have to keep cats off, along with the smell and flavor will convince them to step everywhere. The item is odorless to individuals after it dries.

You are able to use it on your birdfeeders to maintain kitties (and swimmers ) from bothering your birds; so your feathered friends will not notice it.

In the event the weather is rather dry, one program will last up to 30 days, but must you find yourself with a heavy rain, then it is sensible to re install it.

Faster brand 5935 Critter Ridder crucial Characteristics:

Able to use spray
32 ounce jar
Keeps all tiny mammals from your yard or lawn
Nontoxic components
Dries odorless to people
won’t irritate birds
May last up to 30 times

Best budget cat Deterrent Spray: Pet MasterMind cat Spray

Greatest budget cat Deterrent Spray

Pet MasterMind cat Spray

Cease kitty From scratching the furniture without having to spend a great deal of cash.


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Pet MasterMind cat Spray produced our tee shirt place for budget-friendly cat flap sprays. This spray comprises natural herbal ingredients which cats do not like.

Just spray it on your furniture, rugs, or where your cat is scratching, and she’ll opt not to scrape there anymore.

If you use This spray in your own furniture, it will help if you set up a place where your cat may scratch, including a scratching pole.

This way, she’ll naturally head over to this post instead of find another bit of furniture which she is able to ease her impulse to scrape. You’re able to come across the proper product on the greatest cat Scratching articles listing.

Pet MasterMind cat Spray crucial Characteristics:

2.4 ounce jar
Made from organic herbs
Safe and Efficient
May Be used on furniture, floors, and much more
Best if used with a scratching post

Greatest natural cat marking Taste: NaturVet — Pet Organics No mark Spray For Cats

Greatest natural cat behavior Spray

NaturVet — Pet Organics No a lot more mark Spray For Mothers

This spray may prevent cats by marking inside.


Purchase on Amazon

If your furry friend Is signaling in the home, you are going to want to look at NaturVet — Pet Organics No mark Spray For Cats, that made our best place among natural cat signaling sprays.

It includes enzymes which can prevent your cat from urinating over the walls, furniture, carpet, and other relatives.

Before usage, you could look at trying a cat pee odor remover, considering that that may also help prevent barking. here is our providing of the greatest ones.

Since this product also includes herbal aromas that cats do not enjoy, specifically rosemary and lemongrass, in addition, it can stop your cat from scratching those surfaces.

The spray is safe and will not damage any surfaces which water does not damage. You need to try a small spot to begin with to make sure, nevertheless.

NaturVet — Pet Organics No mark Spray for Cats crucial Characteristics:

16 ounce jar
Comprises enzymes to dissuade marking
Comprises herbal aromas that individuals dislike
Could stop scratching
Safe and Organic
May Be used on lots of surfaces

Greatest cat Deterrent motion Detector Spray: PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent

Greatest motion Detector Spray Deterrent

PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent

Keep kitty From getting into trouble even if you’re not there to get hold of her.


Purchase on Amazon

PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent will be A product which employs a motion sensor to prevent your cat from jumping on the counters, even scratching the side of the couch, getting into the garbage, or even indulging anything bad routines she happens to possess.

It is also possible to use it in buy to create one area of your house off-limits for your own cat. This spray is nontoxic, does not smell like something, and doesn’t deplete the ozone.

It functions by Detecting movement as a result of infrared technologies. When kitty gets inside three feet of this deterrent, it is going to emit a benign spray.

Cats do not take pleasure in the startling noise nor the sensation of air blowing themand they will swiftly learn how to steer clear of the region.

One caveat: It’ll go off in case you, your child, or a different pet receives inside three feet of this too. nobody is going to be offended, but it might be startling.

PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent crucial Characteristics:

Includes a movement sensor
Spray Is absolutely benign to pets, kitty, people, as well as the surroundings
Spray has no odor
Works by indicates of your kitty
goes away when anybody strikes its route

Who have To cat Repellent or even cat Deterrent Spray

If You’ve got a cat with some annoying habits, getting a cat repellent or cat flap spray may be a fantastic idea. Cats are smart, creative critters, and they’ll frequently find ways on your principles.

A deterrent spray may keep kitty from scratching, or signaling, leaping on the countertops, or participating in other bothersome or harmful habits.

You may also opt to acquire a cat repellent spray outdoors if cats (or alternative locality creatures ) are getting in the garbage can, digging into your backyard, or otherwise making a nuisance of them.

These sprays have components which mammals find bothersome, so they will only steer away from the regions in which you spray on it.

Greatest cat Deterrent Spray

SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray

Gentle Botanical ingredients help stop your cat from scratching the furniture.


Purchase on Amazon
Important features to think about

You will find a few qualities you must search for when it is time to select a cat repellent or cat flap spray. below are a number of these:

Сигурност . always select something that’s safe and nontoxic for your furry friend or to locality animals.

Ingredientsmay be embarrassing or disagreeable to the kitty, however you also do not need to cause any injury or disease.

Scent. If you’re going to use the item inside your house, you are going to wish to be certain it will not smell bad for you.

Most indoor goods don’t have any odor or odor like blossoms that cats do not enjoy, like citronella or lavender. check the labels. Employs.

A cat who’s marking might require another sort of components compared to a kitty who’s simply walking around the table.

Make certain that you purchase something that’s formulated for the issue that you are attempting to fix.

често задавани въпроси

What’s cat deterrent spray and also how can this function?

Cat deterrent Spray will stop your cat from scratching or marking at the home. a lot of operate by coating a coating with a thin coating of a material your kitty will discover objectionable and will not need on her toes.

Sprays that are intended for deterring indicating could have enzymes which cats will not wish to indicate over.

Another way that lots of hindrance sprays operate is by developing a startling noise. This depends upon the mechanics of this spray can and substantially less about the components (which are usually only compressed air or anything comparable).

What odor can repel cats?

Cats normally Do not like lemongrass, strawberry, lavender, orange, peppermint, or citronella. All these scents are nontoxic for cats, but they frequently find them unpleasant or annoying.

Is coconut a great cat repellent?

You can utilize Vinegar (diluted with water) to repel your furry friend. The principal difficulty is that the odor will dissipate fast.

Additionally, a lot of individuals don’t take pleasure in the odor of vinegar, as a result be conscious that it may irritate you as much as it exfoliates kitty.

How can you keep cats from working on matters and scratching Matters?

Coaching your Kitty to remove in the litter box (or out ) and also to scratch just on a scratching pole can be hard.

Most cats may litter box train readily in the event that you receive them , but it may be a struggle to educate an adult cat that hasn’t lived inside. If you’re experiencing trouble teaching your cat to use the litter box, then speak with your vet.

Additionally, get in touch with your vet straight away if your jumble box-trained cat unexpectedly begins removing in different regions; she may have a kidney infection or another health problem.

A cat flap spray might be helpful if you use it in certain locations where your cat is indicating.

For Scratching a deterrent spray might help here, too. It’s also wise to create a scratching post for the cat so she’s a place to scratch and stretch her claws.

You can rub catnip in the post or leave a couple of cat treats from the region so that she gets the notion that she ought to use that rather than your couch.

Additional cat Deterrent Sprays

Greatest cat Deterrent Spray Total

SEGMINISMART cat scratch Deterrent Spray

Gentle Botanical ingredients help stop your cat from scratching the furniture.


Purchase on Amazon

While the subsequent cat deterrent sprays did not create our top 5 record, they are still the very best of the remainder. have a peek at the qualities listed, considering that they can enable you to compare them to create your choice.

Cat Deterrent Sprays for Inside
Cat Repellent Sprays for Outdoors

Cat Deterrent Sprays for Inside

Cosmetic Dentistry pet dog training Spray

Prevent kitty (in addition to doggie, in case you’ve got one) out of chewing furniture, houseplants, or pharmacist following operation for this safe, powerful spray.

Key Characteristics:

Tastes sour
Soft deterrent
Can not hurt furniture

Price : $14

Cat Guard Guru Pet safe furniture cat Repellent

Pick among four aromas which can prevent your cat from scratching . used at Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, and Original.

Key Characteristics:

Organic, vegan
Harmless to cats
Safe around kids

Price : $13

Cat scratch Deterrent Spray

You can utilize This spray your furniture, houseplants, and on your own c

5 things your dog wishes to tell you–before you bring him house

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A dog is a fantastic addition to a family; bringing a dog house is such a rewarding experience, as well as the joy as well as like a dog can give a household is tremendous. When I walk into my home, I’m greeted by my dogs fight it out as well as Daisy with their tails furiously wagging, as well as I feel the stress of the whole day leave my body. When I put the leash on them as well as take them for a walk, I feel totally different than exactly how I felt just moments before when I exited my vehicle as well as headed into the house. It’s difficult to explain the feeling, however when I see my two dogs enjoying themselves immensely looking at the trees, the blades of grass, as well as the ducks swimming in the lake, I can’t assist however to notice those things myself. The believed of walking into the home without any dogs to greet me saddens me a little, however I likewise understand that some houses as well as some people should most likely not own or raise a dog. A dog in the shelter or the pet store with a wagging tail that screams “take me home” is so difficult to withstand that I decided to compose this blog about the five important things your dog doesn’t tell you–until you bring him home.

I will need routine trips to the veterinarian, particularly during the very first year. even if the shelter, breeder, or pet store provided the preliminary vaccinations, there are other things that I will requirement so you can ensure that I’m really in great health. Also, since I don’t want to get lost, during the very first go to it may be a great concept to ask the veterinarian to microchip me. besides that is taken care of, the nice veterinarian will provide a paper to the nice technician as well as she will hand that paper to you as well as look at you up until you provide her some money–sometimes she may request a great deal of пари! My very first household asked exactly how much taking care of me will expense after they brought me house as well as then they decided to return me to the shelter. That was a very, very, unfortunate time for me. Please try not to do that; I want to stay with you forever.

Before you leave the veterinarian’s office, the nice person there may hand you a piece of paper that you will requirement to send to your preferred pharmacy. All my buddies state that their households like 1800PetMeds (just sayin’!). The decision about where you get your pets treated, as well as where you get my medications from should always be as much as you. I won’t interfere keeping that decision, as well as nobody else should either (although I do look ahead to the treat that includes each 1800PetMeds box).

I will requirement to be walked to alleviate myself at least two times a day (more frequently when I’m a puppy). If you have a huge lawn as well as you leave me available all the time without human business I will be extremely sad. Some parts of the country likewise get as well hot or as well chilly for me to stay outside. without any human business as well as love, I may ended up being antisocial as well as bark aggressively at the mail provider as well as at your buddies when they come to visit. I truly want to be part of your family. providing me attention, like as well as care takes rather a bit of time as well as if you don’t have any type of time to provide me please don’t bring me house at all. nothing is worse than being constantly dissatisfied by the people you like each as well as every day.

Don’t let my size fool you; I eat a great deal of food. even the least costly dog food still costs rather a bit. If you want me happy as well as healthy, please get me decent high quality food.  Some high quality foods include natural balance L.I.D. which is allergy free as well as contains lamb as well as brown rice. one more fantastic food is called taste of the Wild, which has all the fantastic components in addition to things like Omega-3 as well as other components such as fruits as well as vegetables that provide antioxidants. Don’t get me wrong, there are many other high quality foods available however my buddy who works at 1800PetMeds told me about those two. besides is stated as well as done, no matter what food you choose, you will quickly discover that food for your new furry buddy is rather expensive. If you don’t have money to feed me, please don’t bring me home. I don’t want you to always fight with each other over money. I don’t like screaming, as well as it’s truly difficult for me to cover my ears!

Do you sometimes want to go on a household vacation? plan to bring me along or I may expense you numerous dollars for boarding. If you get me a sitter, you may save a bit bit of money as well as it may be easier on me, however even sitters expense rather a bit. If you do travЕл редовно, не се разстройвайте с мен по -късно, ако не си спомняте да вземете предвид тази цена. Може да искате да попитате точно колко ще разходите ще разхождат, преди да ми вземете къща, ако това може да е проблем.

Бих могъл да съставя още повече неща, за които не ви казвам, като класове за послушание, непредвидени медицински разходи, каишки, яки, хранителни ястия и др. Всички тези неща разходи; Спешната помощ в медицината може да изразходва много пари.

Не се опитвам да възпирам бъдещите осиновители, наистина искам да ме заведете в къщи, както и като мен – не обичам да живея в приюта. Въпреки това толкова много от моите приятели се озовават в приюта, тъй като хората им не разбраха, че да имаш куче е огромна отговорност. Аз съм кученце, така че най-вероятно съм безрисков за малко, но вярвам, че това място е изключително опасно за по-възрастните кучета. Понякога ги виждам да влизат в стая, вратата се затваря толкова добре, тъй като никога повече не ги виждам. Къде отиват? Просто вярвам в това ме притеснява толкова много, както и със сигурност ми липсват приятелите ми! Въпреки че днес искам да отида в къща с вас, предпочитам да вземете къща куче, което е малко по -старо от мен. Не ме разбирайте погрешно, какъвто и да е вид животно, което вземете от това място, би бил прекрасен. Бих искал да изляза точно тук, както и да дойда с вас; Просто моля, бъдете готови, както и да можете да се грижите много за мен, както и да разполагате с ресурсите, за да сте сигурни, че имам всички неща, които изисквам да остана щастлив, както и здрави.

Както винаги, ако имате някакъв вид притеснения относно здравето и благосъстоянието на новия си домашен любимец, моля, обадете се на вашия ветеринарен лекар. Ако искате да попитате нещо за лекарствата, моля не се колебайте да се обадите на вашия фармацевт от 1800petmeds, така че те да могат да ви помогнат.

Грижа за домашни любимци